Ein Projekt aus der Region Sparkasse Zwickau



Wir aus Zwickau lassen nicht so oft von uns hören, aber wenn wir es tun, hat das meist einen guten Grund. Wir brauchen eure Unterstützung für einen ehrlichen und nachhaltigen Fußball, ohne Investoren. Ohne euch gehen die Lichter in Zwickau aus.

Ort Zwickau
Kategorie Sport, Soziales, Stadt- & Regionalentwickung
543.308 €
217 % Fundingschwelle erreicht
108 % Fundingziel erreicht
Projekt erfolgreich
10.200 €


Matthias Chodora
13.08.23, 00:00 von Matthias Chodora

Because “Football belongs to the fans”!

FSV Zwickau is a community club. After many years of “yo-yo-ing” between the German third and fourth divisions, FSV was relegated at the end of the 2022/23 season and faced all of the typical accompanying financial issues…. After a hard fight, Zwickau managed to resist an external investor from taking over the club and ruining its community spirit – meaning the club is free from external influence – but not from debt! As such, the community of Zwickau fans has come together in an effort to save the club from extinction. We believe that “Football belongs to the fans” and we believe that, together, with your help, we can save our club! We have a fundraising goal of 500,000 EUR to save FSV Zwickau, and to be able to see our team play in the fourth division “Regionalliga” for the 2023/24 season. As Bill Shankly said “Football is not a matter of life and death – it’s much more important than that”! Please help us to save our club, and prove that football really does belong to the fans!

The site is in German – sorry not sorry! – but you can translate by clicking on the automatic translation in the top right-hand corner of your browser window. Alternatively, you can donate directly find more ways of how to help us (paypal for example) on our social media presence below:

Twitter/X: https://twitter.com/FgdF_Zwickau

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/fgdf_zwickau

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/FgdFZwickau

Read on for all of the gory details of how our beloved club ended up here!

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